Wednesday, February 22, 2006

"Out of the mouths of . . . " or "Let George do it."

(Remember the old Rocky and Bullwinkle Show? Each episode had a cliff-hange ending with two titles. Just so you know....)

We baseball fans had it too good too long. We should have known it was just a matter of time before George Steinbrenner, dissatisfied with leaving well enough alone, with remaining a good quiet owner, decided to put his foot in it again.

As spring training opened, the Associated Press offered this report:

George Steinbrenner is predicting the New York Yankees' five-year World Series drought will end this October.

"We're going to win it this year," the Yankees owner said Wednesday. "We're going after it."

Can't you just picture the Yankee players rolling their eyes? Hey, guys, no pressure. Just wait til you end April only five games over .500.

I wish they'd bring back R&B, rather than some of the crap they have for kids nowadays. Guess it requires too much thinking. With all the literary and cultural references and witty reparte, it was for the grown-ups anyway.
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