Tuesday, December 26, 2006

But I was just getting used to the old new TV

My family is clamoring for a new HDTV.
Mind you, there are three of us and we already have three TVs: a 32" in the living room, a 16" in my bedroom, and another 17" with a built-in DVD player in my daughter's room. All hooked up to cable. We used to have a fourth, in my basement office, an old 19" Sharp, but got rid of it when we decided that four cable boxes were too much.
So what to do? Since all TVs will be HD compatible by you wonder if they'll be able to give away analogues -- if they'll even manufacture them -- between now and then.
So, taking it as fate that the next set we buy will be an HD, the question becomes Plasma or LCD?
A full-page ad in The New York Times decries the benefits of plasma and generated a story on Dec. 25. It gets almost nasty, almost ike a political campaign, smearing the reputation of LCDs.
Oh, yeh, plasma sets are more expensive.
So, who do you trust? Salespersons? Consumer Reports? Your own eyes? Word has it that they crank up the resolution in the stores to give it the best picture possible.
There are plenty of Web sites offering advice: Sound and Vision Magazine gives reports on various products. And places like Cnet.com always have advice to give.
We're still struggling to decide.
Things used to be much simpler.

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