Wednesday, February 07, 2007

NBI - Day 7


I had to have some bloodwork done this morning, so I didn't eat breakfast. Following the procedure I had an interview, for which I arrived about 30 minutes too early. With nothing to do, I went into a local CVS where I purchased a bag of Weight Watcher's candy for $2.66.

Then I wanted to buy a magazine that my library doesn't stock, so I went to a Barnes and Noble. While there I saw a few other items I wanted and justified, as Levine did, as "business related," meaning I intended to use them as deductions at tax time and to try to get some freelnace work. Turns out the editor of Inside Pitch, a Mets magazine, is someone I used to sit next to when working as a STATS reporter at Shea. I also contributed a few reviews for his Web site. I also got a baseball book; for me anything baseball oriented counts as research material. Total cost: About $35.

In continuing to read Levine's book, I see where she "cheats" a bit, too. So I don't feel so bad.

Also, $3.60 for an overdue library book, ironically, Levine's.

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