Monday, February 26, 2007

NBI Days 23-25

Being sick is great for not spending any money.

Feb. 23, Friday: Had to cover a story at my synagogue for the paper, so we agreed that I wouldn't come to the office. Only spent $15 for gas, otherwise I was pretty well-behaved.
Was pretty much out of it on Sat., Feb 23, so nothing there.

Feb. 24, Sunday: groceries, $161.91.

I hate buying pet food. Between the dogs (about $13) and the cats ($10, plus $4.50 for litter), that's almost 20 percent of the total tab. Similarly, I object to paying for toilet paper and other paper goods, garbage bags, foils and plastic wraps, and laundry items.

I also splurged on some herbal team that purports to help supress the appetitite. That was about $9 for 36 servings, so when you break it down, it doesn't seem that horrible.

Whenever I finish the shopping, I always wonder "where's the food?" I see fruits and vegetables, sure; bread, milk, juice, eggs; cold cuts; pasta and sauce; cookies and ceral. But for some reason, that seem to count.

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