Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Catching up
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Cowbell Hall of Fame
So it occurred to me: some of the greatest songs ever recorded have included that percussive prop, yet it gets little, if no, respect. Think of it: in elementary school orchestras around the country, they always give the cowbell to the kid who has no discernible musical talent, but he can keep a beat.
Thank heavens for Saturday Night Live and Christopher Walken, who finally gave the cowbell a degree of dignity.
Herewith, my choices for the Cowbell Hall of Fame, commentary primarily from Songfacts.com:
- "Walk This Way," Aerosmith
- "What You're Doing," The Beatles
- "Drive My Car," The Beatles
- "You Can't Do That," The Beatles
- "Love Shack," B-52s
- "Frankenstein," Edgar Winter Group
- "Honky Tonk Women," The Rolling Stones
- "Jive Talkin'," Bee Gees
- "Funkytown," Lipps, Inc.
- "Rapper's Delight," Sugar Hill Gang (see also)
- "Black and White," Three Dog Night (Sorry, no video)
- "Brick House," Commodores
- "Play That Funky Music," Wild Cherry
Friday, March 02, 2007
IBN Days 26-28

Monday, February 26, 2007
NBI Days 23-25

Thursday, February 22, 2007
NBI: Days 20-22
Since we got out of work so late, and I was feeling under the weather and didn't

Wednesday, Feb. 21:
Took the day off since my daughter was still on President's Day/week/month break.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I wonder how Levine would have fared had she had kids to consider.
Thursday, Feb. 22:
The day isn't over yet, but I thought I'd mention...
After my WW weigh-in this morning, I learned I gained 3 pounds since my last v

Anyway, in an attempt to get back on track, I bought some WW products at the local supermarket (groceries are OK, even though I probably could have done without them): 2 yogurts, one box of muffins, almonds and sparkling water, for a total of $8.41.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
NBI Days 16-19

Saturday, Feb. 17: $1.34 on cat food. Hey, the cats have to eat, too.
.60 library fine. I never feel bad about having to pay these. I figure it goes to a very worthy cause and whatever the fine, it's still cheaper than buying the book.
$1.50 for a danish. Not a necessity, but once in a while don't we deserve a little treat?
I actually got a small refund when I exchanged an extension cord for my digital tape recorder for the proper one. And I didn't have to pay a late fee at the video store, so I saved a couple of bucks there, too.
Sunday, Feb. 18: Had to cover a high school basketball game so even though I spent money on tolls, it will be reimbursed.
In the evening we had dinner with our friends with whom we'll be going on a cruise in late summer (now that's certainly not a necessity). We ended up splitting take-out ($20). Unlike Levine, I have not told anyone of my "plan," so it's a bit awkward to just blurt it out.
Monday, Feb. 19:

$3.00 on two danish. Yeh, I know. but they're very good danish.
Friday, February 16, 2007
NBI Days 12-15
Monday, Feb 12: Nothing spent, although I did go to Barnes and Noble. But I had a gift card, so it didn't count.
Tuesday, Feb 13: The office closed early today, fearful of the coming winter w

On my way to play tennis that night, I was also going to stop at Amazing Hotdog for a snack. Necessary? Of course not, but I was a little depressed because I had to take the perscription so I thought a treat was in order. Unfortunately -- or perhaps not -- they were actually out of food. This isn't the first time it happened, which is surprising and annoying.
Feb 14: Amazingly, nothing spent today. Of course, being snowed in didn't hurt. My daughter was off from school and my office was closed. Unfortunately, Faith's was open, although she did come home a bit earlier. The weather prevented us from going out or ordering in, so we made do.
Feb. 15: Nothing spent. I find it's not to difficult not to spend on a weekday. I almost always bring lunch from home and if I go to they gym (a necessity at $22 a month?) I have no opportunity.
Feb. 16:

Gas, $15. I have to cover something for work on Sunday, plus I don't like being so low during such cold conditions.
Rachel's allowance, $10. When I was a kid, I got fifty cents a week. I remember one time I went to the bakey and to buy the newspaper for my mom. I was told to take my allowance out of the change. Instead of buying one baseball magazine for the fifty cents, I bought two, rather than wait until the following week. My mother was quite angry for this "transgression."
Maybe it's always been this way, but I don't think kids really have a grasp of money. In an economics class in college we learned about the economic cost of a thing, which basically says if you spend money on "A," you don't have that amount to spend on "B."
Although my daughter gets her allowance, plus whatever she makes babysitting or petsitting, her tastes are expensive. Maybe it's the area we live in or increased marketing strategies, peer pressure, etc.
She was quite upset because she lost her digital camera at a neighbor's Super Bowl party and it hasn't turned up. I'm upset because it means that whoever found it has not been honest enough to return something that obviously doesn't belong to them. And we're not talking about a ball point pen that could easily be mistaken as one's own. So she is wondering what she's goign to do without the camera, as if it's a mandatory piece of equipment for teenage life. Granted she's a good photography for her age, but if she thinks her parents are just going to replace it, she's wrong (she originally paid for it from her bat mitzva money).
She put up a fuss, saying that she didn't know why she should have to pay for such things as cameras, or game consoles when none of her friends do. The response that a) we may not have the money that other families do to spend on such items; b) that we don't care what goes on in other families; or c) that we disagree with the parents who just buy the kids everything they want, works sometimes but I can see her point.
Monday, February 12, 2007
NBI- Day 11
2 packages chicken breasts
1 3-pack of potatoe knishes
1 london broil
2 packages ground turkey
1 package "mingon steaks"
Totals: $42 and change, for a total grocery bill of $170 (the meat lasts for several weeks, so it can be "amortized.")
However, I was a bit frivolous: on the way back I bought a sugar-free blueberry turnover ($1.25) and stopped at a fast food place (less than $3). It's not even so much the money, as the activity, even though I know the food is not the best for me.
NBI --Day 10

Bagels $6

Valentine's day gift - $35 (I bought the card last month)
NBI - Day 9
What better way than to write directly where you need to? It might even be fun, if someone else ever reads that particular copy, to see your comments.
Too Much Stuff
Too much stuff
Big house, big car, back seat, full bar.
Houseboat won't float. Bank won't tote the note.
Too much stuff. There's just too much stuff.
It'll hang you up, dealing with too much stuff.
Hangin' out on the couch puttin' on the pounds.
Better walk, run, jump, swim. Try to hold it down
You're eatin' too much stuff, too much stuff.
It'll wear you down, carrying around too much stuff.
Hundred dollar cab ride, fogged in, can't fly.
Greyhound, Amtrak, oughta bought a Cadillac.
Too much stuff. Too much stuff.
It'll slow you down, fooling with too much stuff.
CHORUS: Well, it's way too much.
You're never gonna get enough.
You can pile it high
but you'll never be satisfied.
Rent a tux, shiny shoes, backstage, big schmooze.
Vocal group can't sing, won awards for everything.
Too much stuff. Too much stuff.
They just keep on going, rolling in all that stuff.
Got hurt, can't work, got a lot o' bills,
But the policy don't pay 'less I get killed.
Too much stuff. Too much stuff.
Just my luck, counting on too much stuff.
Running back can't score till he gets a million more
Quarterback can't pass. Owner wants his money back
Too much stuff. Too much stuff.
You know, you can't get a grip when you're slipping in all that stuff.
Women every which-a-way messing with my mind.
You know, I fall in love every day three or four times.
Too much stuff. Too much stuff.
It'll mess you up, fooling with too much stuff.
Friday, February 09, 2007
NBI - Day 8
I have to prepare a cheesecake for a weekend dinner. I managed to get around going to the stoe to buy the ingredients by asking my wife to do it. Is that cheating? After all, it was "necessary," an obligation I entered into before deciding to take the"NBI" challenge. So I'm guessing not.
And since this is taking place Saturday night, that eliminates the dilemma of either bringing dinner in or going out to eat.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
NBI - Day 7

Then I wanted to buy a magazine that my library doesn't stock, so I went to a Barnes and Noble. While there I saw a few other items I wanted and justified, as Levine did, as "business related," meaning I intended to use them as

In continuing to read Levine's book, I see where she "cheats" a bit, too. So I don't feel so bad.
Also, $3.60 for an overdue library book, ironically, Levine's.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
NBI -- Days 5 and 6
On Tueday, Feb. 6, I had to put gas -- a necessity -- in the Scion, or as we call it,

Monday, February 05, 2007
No, really. Who wears this stuff?
This week in particular, a few outfits were submitted for consideration. Among them:

So my question is, simply, wh, besides models for a fashion shoot, would wear this stuff. And if no one is going to wear it, what's the point? Think of all the time, money, and resources spent on creating these clothes. Granted, I know nothing about fashion, but I know what I don't like.